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Old 08-05-2024, 13:23   #2
Renq Kullanýcýsýnýn Avatarý
Üyelik Tarihi: Aug 2024
Mesajlar: 535

1915 - After bitter disputes over the failed Dardanelles Campaign, Winston Churchill resigns from the Government, House of Commons, 15 November 1915.
Although Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty until May 1915, Churchill was to pay the price for the bloody failure of the Dardanelles Campaign– it was Churchill who proposed the expedition to the War Council and, as a result, he was held responsible for its failure. Churchill was dismissed from his post at the Admiralty and made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
In 1915, when Churchill became an enthusiast for the Dardanelles expedition as a way out of the costly stalemate on the Western Front, he had to proceed against Adm. Sir John Fisher's disapproval (the campaign aimed at forcing the Turkish Straits and opening up direct communications with Russia). When the naval attack failed and was called off on the spot by Admiral. J. M. de Robeck, the Admiralty war group supported de Robeck rather than Churchill. Churchill came under heavy political attack, which intensified when Fisher resigned.

1915 - The United Kingdom declares war on Bulgaria.
1911 - Atatürk'ün, Ýskenderiye'den -Þerif takma adýyla- Selanik'te Salih (Bozok) Bey'e mektubu: "...Ben seyahatin bir noktasýnda tedavi için Ýskenderiye'ye geldim, iyileþmek üzereyim. Bir kaç gün sonra tekrar yola çýkacaðým."
Nuri (Conker) Bey'in Ýskenderiye'den, Selanik'te Salih (Bozok) Bey'e mektubu: "...Burada bir hemþehri daha bulduk: Bizim Þerif (Mustafa Kemal). Kendisinin evvelce buralara geldiðini biliyordum; fakat burada kalacaðýný tahmin etmiyordum. Kendisi burada hastalanmýþ, yolculuða devama muvaffak olamayarak hastaneye yatmýþ. Þimdi tedavi olunmaktadýr. Kendisini gördüm. Hastalýðý ehemmiyetsizdir. Üç, dört güne kadar çýkacaktýr. Beraber seyahat edeceðiz." [Kocatürk]

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